2019: Tunde Ayeni has no political affiliation – Aide

Contrary to the news making the rounds that the invitation of Dr Tunde Ayeni by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC has some political motive, his office last Friday cleared the air stating emphatically that the entrepreneur has no political affiliations and holds the Muhammadu Buhari’s government in high esteem.

A statement signed by his Corporate Communications Adviser to Dr Tunde Ayeni, Ademola Adedoyin read:

“Our attention has been drawn to the attempt to link the recent invitation of the Chairman of our Group by the EFCC to some political issue. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

“Dr Tunde Ayeni’s firm belief in the Nigerian project informs his decision years back, and up till now, to invest in different sectors of the economy. His vision of a great Nigeria aligns with that of the present government which has done much in the area of growing the economy and ensuring that we achieve a nation that is self-reliant and prosperous.

“As a patriotic Nigerian investor, Dr Tunde Ayeni has always honored the invitation of all agencies of government whenever there is the need to clarify issues in respect of his huge investment in the different sectors of our economy. The current invitation by the EFCC is not an exception.”

“We call on Nigerians to dismiss any attempt by any politician to link the current situation to any political interpretation.

“As a great believer in the Nigerian project, Dr Tunde Ayeni has always contributed his quota to the growth of Nigeria through his many investments which employ thousands of Nigerians and will contribute to give unalloyed support to the government in her bid to make Nigeria great.”

First Bank

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